Optimize Your Office Real Estate with Indoorology
The purpose of the office has evolved. Has your physical space evolved with it?
Remote and hybrid working arrangements are here to stay. Companies everywhere are trying to manage their real estate footprints in ways that balance budgets and support employee satisfaction. But few have true insight into how offices are being used or how employees work and feel in that space. As a result, many organizations just don't know what changes to make for the better, so they guess.
InnerSpace removes the guesswork from workspace strategies with Indoorology – a term we've coined to define our rigorous approach to the analysis of indoor behavior patterns.
Indoorology is the data-driven study of real human behaviors in the work environment
Like other sciences, Indoorology replaces what we feel with what we know based on objective data and repeatable processes. To help us understand our interaction with indoor spaces, Indoorology considers three critical components:
From an impressive array of data points, InnerSpace offers reliable insights
Powered by Wi-Fi, InnerSpace’s spatial intelligence platform can anonymously follow any visitor’s smart devices or asset tags as they move about. This always-on supply of data provides objective, accurate data that replaces what we might think or feel, with what we truly know.
Unlike other solutions that do little more than people counting, InnerSpace’s rich insights collects and analyzes your indoor space to generate space utilization metrics that answer:
What specific zones are busiest, when
Which spaces are underused
How often employees visit & for how long
How people use each floor, zone, area
How different departments prefer to work
By carefully measuring the tendencies of work teams onsite, we can enable confident decision-making about:
Discover how real human behavior should guide your real estate decisions
Developed in consultation with sociologists and real estate experts, the Indoorology approach not only provides more accurate data to determine optimal office size, it’s able to identify the design features companies should invest in to enhance the employee experience.
Case study: Indoorology in action
In just three months of using the InnerSpace platform in its main corporate hub, our global job search client learned their 1,400 employees prefer spaces for impromptu collaboration over anything else, that resource needs varied based on workstyles, that the company's hybrid arrangements were predominantly favored… and much more.
Learn all the surprising insights that Indoorology uncovered. Read more in our case study
How should you design your workplace?
As a finite resource, every square foot of office real estate is precious. Maximizing its usage is essential for both operational efficiency and success. To achieve this requires precise data that paints a holistic picture of the ways people use their indoor space.
InnerSpace offers the world’s most accurate spatial intelligence platform for gathering insights into how your teams work and collaborate to help you create just the right mix of workspaces for them to be the most productive, now and into the future. Let us show you how you can optimize your workplace design strategy.